Seattle wants a common sense, greener alternative to the planned cruise ship terminal. We need enforceable policies that encourage business development alongside historical preservation and environmental protection.
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Human Health

Significant and growing scientific evidence shows the health risks associated with toxic air. The World Health Organisation (WHO) had lately categorized bunker fuel exhaust as carcinogenic at the same risk level as Asbestos [7]. Sulfer contributes to increased rates of childhood asthma, cancer, reduced intelligence, and spikes in Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia [8, 9].


There is no moral justification for having massive ships using heavy fuels idling next to a busy neighborhood. 

A Call to Action


Require all cruise ships to use shore power while berthed at terminal.


Ban cruise ships that are not fitted with shore power connectivity.


 Note 7.

“Diesel Exhaust and Cancer Risk – Public Health Impact.” National Cancer Institute,


 Note 8.

U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works hearing, “Port Pollution and the Need for Additional Controls on Large Ships,” 2007.


 Note 9.

Environmental Protection Agency, “Proposal to Designate an Emission Control Area for Nitrogen Oxides, Sulfur Oxides and Particulate Matter,” 2009.